Why did North Korea develop a vaccine even though it was `clean` of Covid-19?
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Why did North Korea develop a vaccine even though it was `clean` of Covid-19?

(Dan Tri) – North Korea is participating in the global race to develop a vaccine to prevent Covid-19 even though the country has not recorded any cases of infection.

Leader Kim Jong-un chaired a meeting in Pyongyang on July 2.

North Korea said the country is participating in developing a Covid-19 vaccine, a global race that brings together the world’s leading scientists and costs billions of dollars.

If the announcement by the North Korean Science and Technology Committee on the development of a Covid-19 vaccine is correct, it means that the country is conducting clinical trials of domestically developed vaccines.

According to Yonhap, vaccine preparation is led by a biomedical research institute under the Korean Institute of Medicine.

However, countries still seem to be skeptical about North Korea’s claim to develop a Covid-19 vaccine.

The race to develop a vaccine to prevent a pandemic that has killed more than 600,000 people and infected 14.5 million globally is still one of the biggest and most urgent scientific and technological challenges that the world has ever faced.

This race will certainly cost huge amounts of money and countries will have to invest heavily to gain what will become a source of national pride as well as scientific superiority.

Meanwhile, North Korea is said to be one of the countries with a medical care system facing many difficulties.

Why did North Korea develop a vaccine even though it was `clean` of Covid-19?

Employees wearing protective suits check body temperature scanners located at Pyongyang International Airport.

Why is a country with no coronavirus infections and in a difficult economic period willing to invest time, money and resources to develop a vaccine?

According to CNN, the answer is not simple.

North Korea was one of the first countries to consider Covid-19 a serious threat, with good reason: Most experts believe that North Korea’s medical system would quickly be overwhelmed if the Covid-19 epidemic broke out.

Testing capacity is also an issue to consider.

Mr. Salvador said that at the time the outbreak began, 25,551 people in North Korea were quarantined.

Many medical experts are still skeptical when North Korea claims that no one has Covid-19, while the world has recorded more than 14.8 million infections and more than 613,000 deaths.

However, reality shows that North Korea easily prevents outbreaks from spreading, because it can quickly impose a strict blockade that other countries cannot.

According to many sources, the Covid-19 pandemic seems to be under control in North Korea.

Propaganda meaning

Why did North Korea develop a vaccine even though it was `clean` of Covid-19?

North Koreans watch TV shows about the corona epidemic.

It is currently unclear what role the domestically produced vaccine will play in the anti-epidemic strategy of North Korea – a secretive and secretive country.

According to WHO statistics, as of July 15, more than 140 experimental vaccines have been evaluated pre-clinically and 23 vaccines have entered the clinical trial phase.

However, in terms of propaganda, the overall picture will become clearer.

For decades, North Korea has been home to a developed and high-tech industrial base on the Korean Peninsula thanks to the legacy of the Japanese occupation.

Today, North Korean state media continues to build the image of the country as a global technological power thanks to the leadership of Chairman Kim’s family and the Juche ideology of self-reliance.

`Talent, science and technology are our strategic assets and weapons,` North Korea’s state news agency (KCNA) said in June, affirming that these talents make the world

During a period of tension with South Korea and the United States, North Korea’s nuclear weapons program is the clearest example of North Korea’s ideology.

North Korean state media also tends to focus on areas where North Korea has not met the needs of its people, especially energy and food security.

Last week, KCNA reported that North Korean scientists had developed a new potato variety and bred 10 new `delicious` and `high-yielding` vegetables.

Of course, developing a Covid-19 vaccine is likely to be much more difficult than any of the above fields.

The prospect of developing a Covid-19 vaccine is said to be an effective propaganda tool so that North Korean officials can demonstrate their ability to protect the people.

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